Braxton (aka Brax) was diagnosed with B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (B-Cell ALL) in January of 2019. She finished treatment in May 2021, unfortunately, she relapsed in November 2022. She is currently going through her second round of treatment. Brax knows first hand (over 150 nights spent on Floor 5) how critical of a role Child Family Life and areas such as Kyle Rudolph's End Zone, the Zucker Family Suite and Studio, and the "Row The Boat" Fleck Family Fund play in both the mental and physical recovery of cancer patients and she felt a strong desire to give back and help others going through similar fights and that is what TB1Fund is hoping to accomplish.
TB1Fund - what is it and what does it mean? When Brax was initially diagnosed all of her family, friends, and teammates rallied around her and formed Team Brax. Taking that a step further, her social media name is TeamBrax1, and that is where the TB1 comes from. And why? To give Brax a platform to help kids and families going through the life changing events cancer plays in the lives of patients and families. Cancer doesn't discriminate.
TB1Fund's mission is to brighten days for patients and families at M Health Fairview Masonic Children's Hospital. Our primary goal is to help patients focus on recovery by providing items and experiences that not only distract and engage them, but also encourage recovery, be it mental, physical or emotional. We are constantly working on new ideas, new projects and new partnerships to provide the best possible experiences and offerings. TB1F and Brax are dedicated to making a difference. Being able to provide positive experiences that can immediately affect patients and families is critical to Brax's overall mission.
For more on Brax's story and journey visit
Check out our latest project below! Year #2 of the "REBOUND CLUB" where we host a family for a full-suite takeover at for 20 MN Timberwolves home games. Year#1 had tremendous feedback, so we have decided to bring it back and need help closing the gap on funding. See what families are saying.....